Renewable Energy Group, Inc. (REG), headquartered in Ames, but with its roots in Ralston, supported the “Growth Happens Here” campaign at the Greene County Early Learning Center (GCELC) with a $50,000 donation. REG, a biofuels leader with a global presence and a local reach, will help ensure that the GCLEC, a nonprofit childcare center serving children and families from throughout Greene County, will be able to construct its new $2.1 million building.
With a biodiesel production facility in Ralston, REG is committed to ensuring availability of childcare for its employees and those of other area businesses. The center’s new building in Jefferson will increase its capacity for care by about 50 percent to nearly 150 children.
“Renewable Energy Group is honored to support the construction of a new building for the Greene County Early Learning Center,” said Bill Ritchie, plant manager for REG Ralston. “We see the need that exists for this vital service in our area and the important role it plays in retaining families in our communities.”

“We are so grateful to Renewable Energy Group for stepping up with a significant donation to the Greene County Early Learning Center. REG sees the importance of future growth in our county and the integral role of childcare in maintaining a quality workforce while attracting new families to the area,” said Donna Sutton, co-chair of the fundraising campaign.